Fluorescent lights are everywhere, and they’re a nightmare for many neurodivergent people.
Fluorescent lights are one of the reasons why public places are inaccessible to autistic individuals.
In fact, neurodivergent people are not the only ones who suffer from fluorescent lights. Research shows that they also reduce alertness and cognitive performance in neurotypical people.
The horror of fluorescent lights
I’m autistic, have ADHD, and I also suffer from migraines. I absolutely hate fluorescent lights.
Fluorescent lights cause me migraines. My eyes hurt when I’m exposed to fluorescent lights. It’s a nasty, burning sensation. I also get exhausted and anxious.
My light sensitivity has gotten worse recently. I started wearing a cap in a grocery store. But the cap is not effective enough to block out the bright light.
The last time I went to a grocery store, I tried wearing sunglasses. But the glasses fogged up because of my face mask, so I ended up shopping without sunglasses.
My eyes hurt so much. The irritation continued even when I got home.
And I was so tired. I felt like the burning lights had sucked the life out of me. The fatigue lasted for two days.
Next time I go to a grocery store, I’ll wear sunglasses, even if I can barely see anything.
Who the heck invented the fluorescent lamp?!
A quick Google search reveals a German inventor Edmund Germer invented the lamp of horrors.
Thanks a lot, Germer, for making being in public places an ordeal for people with sensory issues!
Yes, I’m being sarcastic. Even though some people claim autistic people don’t understand sarcasm, I manage to be sarcastic just fine. Especially when I’m angry. As I am right now, thank you very much.
I’m angry because fluorescent lights make being in public places a horror for many people.
Research shows that fluorescent lights reduce productivity in most people, also neurotypical people.

Studies show that fluorescent lights reduce productivity in neurotypical people as well
Multiple studies show that even neurotypical people perform better under LED lights than fluorescent lights.
A study reveals that volunteers performed best on symbol identification and color recognition tasks when exposed to high color temperature LED lights.
The volunteers experienced increased fatigue when they were exposed to fluorescent lights. They also showed slower response times on tasks that measured spatial and verbal memory.
The study concludes LED lights improve alertness and visual cognitive efficiency in workers.
Another study compared the influence of LED lighting and fluorescent lights on student engagement in a classroom.
The study suggests that LED lights have a positive effect on children too. The students showed more engagement under LED lighting.
The students were neurotypical children in a regular classroom, not autistic children.
LED lights are the answer
The studies suggest that LED lights are the answer. They are the optimal lighting solution in my experience as well.
I have switched incandescent light bulbs to warm LED lights at home. The color temperature of 2700K seems to be ideal to me.
The old-school incandescent lights are not half as bad as fluorescent lights.
But I find even incandescent lights somewhat irritating. LED lights are most comfortable for my eyes and nerves.
LED lights are eco-friendly as well. A study reveals that LED lights have fewer harmful environmental effects than incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamps (CFL). LED lights also use less energy than fluorescent lights.
LED bulbs last 2 to 4 times longer than fluorescent lights and 25 to 35 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
LED lights are more expensive than other lamps, but they save money in the long run. That’s because LED lights save energy and last longer than other bulbs. An average LED bulb lasts for 25,000 hours.

It’s time to switch to LED lights in all public spaces
Studies show that LED lights improve productivity and alertness in adults and children. Fluorescent lights harm even neurotypical people.
People with sensory issues, such as autistic individuals, are even more sensitive to fluorescent lights.
LED bulbs save energy compared to fluorescent lights. LED lights are proven to be an eco-friendly choice compared to other types of lighting. They also last longer, so they save money in the long run.
There are no excuses to continue using fluorescent lights anymore. LED lights are a better choice for the environment, finances, and people’s health.
It’s time to get rid of fluorescent lights. We need to switch them to LED lights in all public spaces.
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